Chapter 12

Managing Supply Chain Software


check Seeing how supply chain software has evolved

check Making sense of software abbreviations

check Understanding where each type of software fits into your supply chain

check Getting advice from the experts

Information technology has become an essential part of supply chain management because virtually every process in a supply chain involves entering, processing, sharing, and retrieving data. Automating the tasks for a process can increase your efficiency, but choosing the best way to automate a task can be complicated. Because there are so many processes in a supply chain, there also are many different categories of software that you need to manage. Within each category of software you’ll find several companies that sell software packages with different features, capabilities, and price tags.

For some reason, almost every category of supply chain software is described by a three word name, and supply chain managers use the software category initials as a sort of shorthand. For example, it would be quite reasonable for a supply chain manager to ask ...

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