Conclusion 1




Managing risks during ongoing developments and system safety have become major issues in a number of industrial sectors. Depending on the needs of applications, different attributes of safety — reliability, availability and security — must be considered [AVI 04]. These considerations are both major challenges for industry and interesting challenges for research.

This book covers the main research carried out by academic and industrial partners involved in the Scientific Interest Group: Supervision, Safety and Security of Complex Systems (GIS 3SGS). This project highlights the synergies established through partnership between both companies and research laboratories. In practice, this results in a number of projects aiming to respond to the needs of industrial partners. Contributions and recommendations from members of the scientific community have been decisive in selecting, accompanying and evaluating these projects. Table C.1 lists the members of scientific community involved.

The main needs expressed are the subject of part 1 of this book, which focuses on industrial issues.

In the context of new generations of nuclear plants, the CEA has identified improving structural inspectability as an essential factor in equipment safety. In the field of instrumentation and supervision, acoustic detection, while still under development, appears to be a promising approach.

Table C.1. List of members in the scientific board for GIS 3SGS

CS Member Organization

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