Apply Your Knowledge

Review Questions

1:When is a type 3 or 4 driver preferrable to a type 1 or 2 driver?
2:What information do you need to establish a JDBC connection to a database?
3:What is the difference between the Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement interfaces?
4:What is a result set?

Exam Questions

1:Which of the following communicates with a database server on behalf of a user or application?
  1. Database table

  2. Database client

  3. Web browser

  4. Web server

2:Which of the following describes a JDBC type 4 driver?
  1. Native-protocol pure Java driver

  2. JDBC-Net pure Java driver

  3. Native-API partly Java driver

  4. JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver

3:How is the forName() method of the Class class used with JDBC?
  1. To establish a database connection

  2. To load a ...

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