As the preceding contents pages show, we have selected what are, in our experience (and reflective of a number of recent independent surveys), the 26 best frameworks for developing and communicating strategy graphically. We have arranged each of these into five categories that follow a logical linear progression:

  1. Environmental analysis
  2. Competitive positioning
  3. Capability development
  4. Growth options
  5. Strategic goal development.

Each of these five Strategy Builder ‘blocks' contains five strategy frameworks and each framework is outlined across six pages in this ‘design' section of Strategy Builder:

  • Page 1 introduces and outlines the framework, lists its author and global rating, states when it is best to use it and lists its constituent parts.
  • Page 2 describes the historical development of the framework and what the ‘key takeouts' are that you should seek to gain by using it.
  • Page 3 contains a worked example that actually tells the story of a strategy through the lens of the framework. In our experience, such drawings when seen (or even better drawn) really help managers to understand what a framework is about and its possibilities.
  • Page 4 provides space and tips to encourage drawing your own strategy or strategic ideas using the frame in focus with the worked example on the facing page as inspiration.
  • Page 5 lists the common pitfalls that users may encounter with the framework, how the framework might be used in conjunction ...

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