Reinvent Your Department (Los Alamos National Laboratory—LANL)
The Facilities Maintenance Unit (FMU) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) aimed at nothing less than total transformation because customer demands were increasing and they were falling far behind.
The role of a FMU in any organization is seldom glamorous but always vital. The FMU at LANL keeps the electrical, mechanical, HVAC, and other systems operating so that scientists can carry out their work in support of national security.
This Lab FMU served 8 very old facilities dispersed over a 30-square-mile radius. The level of maintenance required exceeded staff capacity. As the backlog of work orders climbed, conflicts increased and morale declined.
The FMU Director recognized that a major transformation was necessary, not just minor improvements. Assisted by outside consultants, his team collaboratively developed a vision, mission, values, and code of conduct. All staff participated in the process through a series of brief workshops over a two-month period.
With those elements in place, it was time to shape the master improvement strategy, summarized by the included LogFrame. Outcomes such as “Roles clearly defined” and “Priorities sharpened” are part of any improvement strategy and were vital to achieving clarity. Later, sub-teams were formed to create additional LogFrames for key projects.
The FMU LogFrame is interesting because of the specificity of its Purpose level Success Measures. The Outcomes offer a ...

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