
  1. 1.1 The ABCs of Strategic Planning.
  2. 1.2 Rational Planning Model.
  3. 1.3 Political Decision-Making Model.
  4. 1.4 Purposes and Functions of Strategic Planning and Management.
  5. 2.1 The Strategy Change Cycle.
  6. 2.2 Strategic Planning System for Integrated Units of Management.
  7. 2.3 Strategic Planning and Management Outcomes, Actions, Design Features, and Context.
  8. 3.1 Possible Purposes to Be Served by the City of Utrecht in Addressing the Challenges of Housing and Integrating Asylum Seekers.
  9. 3.2 Outcomes Likely to Be Needed If the Strategic Planning Process Is to Succeed.
  10. 4.1 Stakeholder Map for a Government.
  11. 5.1 Simplified Policy Field Map of the Relationships Surrounding the Metropolitan Economic Development Association's Program With the Association of Women Contractors and the U.S. Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency.
  12. 6.1 Sorting Out the Issues and Their Implications.
  13. 6.2 Strategic Issues Facing a Roman Catholic Religious Order.
  14. 7.1 The Loft Literary Center Map of High-Level Goals (boxed with shadow), Performance Indicators (boxed with no shadow), and Strategies Related to Resource Use (unboxed).
  15. 10.1 Strategic Issues Management Model.
  16. 10.2 Purchaser-Provider Contract Model.
  17. 10.3 The Architecture of the Virginia Performs System.
  18. A.1 Strategic Management Purposes and Functions and Stakeholder Analysis Techniques to Assist in Fulfilling Them.
  19. A.2 Power Versus Interest Grid.
  20. A.3 Bases of Power—Directions of Interest Diagram, ...

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