
Dear Reader,

This Foreword was written by Tim Burchill—professional colleague and personal friend—and originally appeared in the second edition of Strategic Fund Development (2001).

Tim died suddenly on February 20, 2007. Beyond our reach now. Always remembered with admiration, gratitude, and great affection.

It seems fitting to keep Tim’s foreword for this third edition. First, because of what he said: He so well understood the intent of the book. Second, because his name represents so much of what is good and important about this sector.

As always, thank you, Tim.

In this second edition of her cogent and popular Strategic Fund Development, Simone P. Joyaux, ACFRE, writes that “visioning is a lively process of sharing what people most care about in a way that creates enthusiasm and shared commitment, a collective sense of what matters to the organization and its participants. … Your organization’s vision is a snapshot of your desired future.”

Another contemporary observer of organizational planning and leadership, Joel Barker, author and futurist, offers a prescription for organizations of all kinds, from governments to multinationals, and from highly endowed universities to grassroots not-for-profit agencies:

  • Organizations with vision are powerfully enabled.
  • Organizations without vision are at risk.

Simone Joyaux provides those of us who labor in the vineyards of the philanthropic sector with invaluable tools and concepts for translating organizational vision into ...

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