Praise for Strategic Fund Development, Third Edition

“Few people understand the totality of fundraising strategy like Simone Joyaux. In the third edition of Strategic Fund Development Simone provides must-have insight into effective decision-making models that will lead you to well-managed and successful development efforts. Most important about this new edition is the insight you will gain to engage board members, staff, and volunteers in meeting organizational goals.”

—Ted Hart, ACFRE

“Highly functioning nonprofit philanthropic organizations are the cornerstone of any democratic society. With her truly holistic approach toward fundraising and organizational development, Simone presents great insights in building those organizations. This makes her one of the most influential fundraising thinkers globally. This is not a book for North American fundraisers only. It is a must-read for anyone, active at any level, in any nonprofit organization anywhere in the world. By the way, for those who think fundraising is just learning some techniques to raise money, this book explains how wrong that is.”

—Ilja De Coster, Senior Fundraising Consultant and Managing Partner, EthiCom, Belgium

“An indispensable resource! This is the one reference book that I recommend to the students in my course on fundraising campaigns at the Université de Montréal. The book presents a great variety of key features while it interlaces methodology with practical approaches. As such, it is an outstanding resource ...

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