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Complain-a-Grams to Complainer or Company Leader

If you want an anonymous way to notify someone that he or she is a Complainer or notify someone in leadership that there are Complainers or Energy Drains, you can copy these letters or download Complain-a-Grams from Simply place a Complain-a-Gram with a copy of this book on the Complainer’s or leader’s desk when no one is around, or mail the note and book in an envelope addressed to him or her . . . without a return address of course!

You are receiving this note and book because you may have a tendency to complain when the going gets tough. Someone cares about you and wants to make sure that you aren’t seen that way by others. This perception may or may not be real. From time to time, all of us use complaining behavior when we’re under stress. To see if complaining may be an issue for you, please take the free assessment “Are You Seen as a Complainer?” at The results are confidential and provided to you as a resource for your own personal development.
If you find you have traits that no longer serve you, please read Chapters 6–9 to find out what type of complaining you may be doing, ways to eliminate situations that might be causing you to complain, and ideas to positively raise issues and get the results you want.
Someone cares enough ...

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