Chapter 4. Brother, Do You Have the Time?


Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

 --Steve Jobs

Are you tired of being ignored and unrecognized by store clerks? You do not have to be any longer. You just need the right badges, the appropriate brands, symbols of wealth, superiority, and hyperconsumption. But what badges? And whose opinions should you rely on when selecting these symbols that are supposedly designed to generate attention?

According to an article in BusinessWeek, all you need is the right watch. After wearing expensive watches (several priced at over $20,000) and then assessing the reactions from people with whom he came in contact, the article's author noted:

... a surefire way to get noticed ... a huge hit ... a seriously big deal ... Men came over to say they really liked it ... women loved it ... [at] the counter for a coffee ... waved with my left hand ... people flocked to the watch.[15]

What if during his field research at the coffee counter in Manhattan this same watch tester wore the brand of watch most popular among millionaires? With a Seiko on his wrist, it is possible that he would still be standing in line for coffee, unserved and unnoticed.

Some are amateurs at judging the socioeconomic status and buying habits of people from their badges. Others make a living doing it. Take, for example, those who are skilled at selling very expensive watches. In general, people who wear expensive clothing tend to buy expensive accessories, such ...

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