Input SAS Data Set for Examples

Tradewinds Travel has an external file with data on flight schedules for tours.
The following DATA step reads the information and stores it in a data set named AIR.DEPARTURES:
libname mylib 'permanent-data-library';

data mylib.departures;
   input Country $ 1-9 CitiesInTour 11-12 USGate $ 14-26 
         ArrivalDepartureGates $ 28-48;

1          2 3                      4
Japan      5 San Francisco          Tokyo, Osaka
Italy      8 New York               Rome, Naples
Australia 12 Honolulu           Sydney, Brisbane
Venezuela  4 Miami            Caracas, Maracaibo
Brazil     4               Rio de Janeiro, Belem
proc print data=mylib.departures;
   title 'Data Set AIR.DEPARTURES';
The numbered fields represent
1 the name of the country toured
2 the number ...

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