About the Author

Myke King is the founder and director of Whitehouse Consulting, an independent consulting organisation specialising in process control. He has over 40 years’ experience working with over 100 clients in 40 countries. As part of his consulting activities Myke has developed training courses covering all aspects of process control. To date, around 2,000 delegates have attended these courses. He also lectures at several universities. To support his consulting activities he has developed a range of software to streamline the design of controllers and to simulate their use for learning exercises. Indeed, part of this software can be downloaded from the companion web site for this book.

Myke graduated from Cambridge University in the UK with a Master’s degree in chemical engineering. His course included process control taught as part of both mechanical engineering and chemical engineering. At the time he understood neither. On graduating he joined, by chance, the process control section at Exxon’s refinery at Fawley in the UK. Fortunately he quickly discovered that the practical application of process control bore little resemblance to the theory he had covered at university. He later became head of the process control section and then moved to operations department as a plant manager. This was followed by a short period running the IT section.

Myke left Exxon to co‐found KBC Process Automation, a subsidiary of KBC Process Technology, later becoming its managing director. ...

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