Chapter 5: Overcoming Security Concerns in the Wireless World

In This Chapter

  • Identifying the risks of Wi-Fi
  • Discovering how to work through problems
  • Blocking wireless threats

Without a doubt, one of the best parts of running an online business is that you aren't permanently tethered to one location. The wireless revolution allows you to work in almost any room of your home, outdoors on your back deck, or even at the neighborhood coffee shop. Even brick-and-mortar businesses are increasingly implementing or accessing wireless networks on a regular basis.

Freedom of that nature comes with a price, of course — security risks. Like it or not, if you're using a wireless connection, you're vulnerable. Two trends add to wireless security concerns. First is the increase of mobile phones and their applications, spurred primarily by the phenomenal growth of the iPhone, the iPad, and similar devices. As mobility expands and more applications are made available for it, such as mobile payments, the opportunity for data breaches increases. The second trend is the growing popularity of cloud-based computing, or the use of subscription-based or pay-for-use service over the Internet in real-time. This type of computing has become an affordable way for businesses of all sizes to expand their capabilities. Although cloud computing isn't strictly wireless, this “outside the network” approach to conducting online business does introduce the opportunity for increased security risks.

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