Chapter 3: Getting Real: Creating a Usable Business Plan

In This Chapter

  • Understanding the purpose of a business plan
  • Organizing the pieces of your dreams into tangible goals
  • Determining when you need help and what to expect
  • Getting long-term value from the plan you make today

One big complaint from entrepreneurs, especially those running small companies, is “Why do I have to write a business plan?” Quite honestly, you don't. Some entrepreneurs who choose to forgo a business plan do just fine, but others struggle.

In this chapter, we tell you why having a business plan is a good idea and show you all the benefits you can reap from not only having one but also reviewing and updating it regularly.

images We can't possibly cover everything about writing and using a business plan in this chapter. After all, entire books are devoted to business plans. In fact, a good one to look into is Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 3rd Edition, by Steven D. Peterson, Peter E. Jaret, and Barbara Findlay Schenck.

Get Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies®, 3rd Edition now with the O’Reilly learning platform.

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