

advertisements, newspaper, 155

angel investors, 131-133

Apple, the startup of, 52

assistants, virtual, 111-112

attorneys, 76

audit triggers, potential, 76-77

authority, sales and, 138


bank loans, 130

banners and hoardings, 155

bigger picture, seeing the, 38-39

blogging, importance of, 156

branding, poor, 34-35

business confidence, first customers and, 143-144

business idea, complicated, 32

business plan, making a, 19-23


capital and money, first customers and, 143

capital requirements, fewer, 49

capital, working, 102

commitment, sales, 137

competition pricing, 80-81

consistency, sales, 137

Content Harmony Agency, 108-109

content management software, 114

content marketing, 147-154

content, Website, 116-117

cost-plus pricing, 83-85

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