

2D nets, using for 3D forms, 103

3D cube, lighting, 114

3D forms, 12

2D nets, 103

building first project, 106108

clay sculptures, 107108

cube model, 104

cylinder model, 104

demoing, 104105

digital sculpting, 109110

documenting and displaying, 113114

drawing creatures, 102

generating ideas, 111

getting ready for, 100102

Journal Prompts, 113

materials, 101

Open Make session, 111112

opening activity, 102104

paper sculptures, 106107

paper toy, 101

pyramid model, 104

resources, 115

sharing and reflecting, 113

space and tools setup, 102

taking further, 109111

taping together pyramid, 103

3D model, basing on 2D sketch, 105

3D printing services, 115

3D sculptures, cutting out designs for, 112



choosing, 3233

experimenting ...

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