Client Configuration

Most SSH security pertains to the server, but SSH clients have security-related settings too. Here are a few tips:

  • Whenever you leave a computer while SSH clients are running, lock the computer’s display with a password-protected screen locker. This is particularly important if you’re running an agent that permits an intruder to access your remote accounts without a passphrase.

  • In your client configuration file, turn on some safety features as mandatory values:

        # OpenSSH
        # Put at the top of your configuration file
        Host *
          GatewayPorts no
          StrictHostKeyChecking ask
         ForwardX11Trusted no
        # Tectia
        # Put at the bottom of your configuration file
         GatewayPorts no
         StrictHostKeyChecking ask
         TrustX11Applications no

    The GatewayPorts value forbids remote clients from connecting to locally forwarded ports. Finally, rather than blindly connect, the StrictHostKeyChecking value warns you of any changed host keys and asks what you want to do. For X11 forwarding we elect to generate a new, untrusted xauth key rather than inherit the trust already in effect. []

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