
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


() (parentheses)
in FROM clause for DB2, Prevent too many outer joins from parsing at once
surrounding ordered list of items, Conventions Used in This Book
+ (plus sign)
in comment, General hint syntax
in join clause, Filtered outer joins
<> (angle brackets), surrounding missing portions of SQL statement, Conventions Used in This Book
“E” in query diagram, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries
“F” in query diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
“f” in query diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
“R”, in query diagram, Underlined numbers


aggregation, Ordering and aggregation, Glossary
(see also grouping; post-group filtering)
not included in query diagrams, Ordering and aggregation
queries aggregating too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Aggregations of Many Details
in reports, Report information types, Report information types
ALL_ROWS hint, Approaches to tuning with hints
AND-EQUAL MERGE operation, Combining Indexes
angle brackets (<>), surrounding missing portions of SQL statement, Conventions Used in This Book
anti-join, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
apples-and-oranges tables, Glossary
application, Why Tune SQL?
(see also queries)
altering, determining necessity ...

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