Temporal data in SQL Server before 2016

As mentioned, in SQL Server versions before 2016, you need to take care of temporal data by yourself. Even in SQL Server 2016, you still need to take care of the human, or application, times. The following code shows an example of how to create a table with validity intervals expressed with the b and e columns, where the beginning and the end of an interval are represented as integers. The table is populated with demo data from the WideWorldImporters.Sales.OrderLines table:

USE tempdb; GO SELECT OrderLineID AS id, StockItemID * (OrderLineID % 5 + 1) AS b, LastEditedBy + StockItemID * (OrderLineID % 5 + 1) AS e INTO dbo.Intervals FROM WideWorldImporters.Sales.OrderLines; -- 231412 rows GO ALTER TABLE ...

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