Sending an e-mail

In this recipe, we send an e-mail with an attachment.

Getting ready

Before proceeding, identify the following in your environment:

  • An SMTP server
  • A recipient's e-mail address
  • A sender's e-mail address
  • An attachment

How to do it...

These are the steps required to send an e-mail:

  1. Open PowerShell ISE as an administrator.
  2. Add the following script and run it:
    $file = "C:\Temp\processes.csv" $timestamp = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MMM-dd-hhmmtt" #note we are using backticks to put each parameter #in its own line to make code more readable Send-MailMessage ` -SmtpServer "queryworks.local" ` -To "administrator@queryworks.local" ` -From "powershell@sqlbelle.local" ` -Subject "Process Email - $file - $timestamp" ` -Body "Here ya go" ` -Attachments $file ...

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