Grant, deny, and revoke permissions to securables

You can use SQL Server Management Studio or the T-SQL DCL statements to grant, revoke, and deny permissions to securables.

Grant, deny, and revoke permissions to securables with T-SQL DCL statements

In this section, we will use T-SQL DCL statements to grant, deny and revoke permissions.

Granting permissions to securables with T-SQL DCL statements

We use the GRANT keyword to grant permissions to securables. The basic syntax for the GRANT statement is as follows:

GRANT permission [,…n]
TO <grantee_principal> [,…n] [WITH GRANT OPTION]
[AS <grantor_principal>]

We use WITH GRANT OPTION when we want the user to grant the same permission to other logins.

For example, to grant Bob the SELECT permission WITH GRANT ...

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