
SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement retrieves rows, columns, and derived values from one or many tables of a database.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

The full syntax of the SELECT statement is powerful and complex, but can be broken down into these main clauses:

SELECT [{ALL | DISTINCT}] select_item [AS alias][, ...]
   {table_name [[AS] alias] | view_name [[AS] alias]}[, ...]
[ [join_type] JOIN join_condition ]
[WHERE search_condition] [ {AND | OR | NOT} search_condition [...] ]
[GROUP BY group_by_expression {group_by_columns | ROLLUP group_by_columns |
      CUBE group_by_columns | GROUPING SETS ( grouping_set_list ) |
      (  ) | grouping_set, grouping_set_list}
   [HAVING search_condition]]
[ORDER BY {order_expression [ASC | DESC]}[, ...]]


Each of the keywords shown below, except the select_item clause, is discussed in greater detail in the “Rules at a Glance” section that follows:

[{ALL | DISTINCT}] select_item

Retrieves values that compose the query result set. Each select_item may be a literal, an aggregate or scalar function, a mathematic calculation, a parameter or variable, or a subquery, but a select_item is most commonly a column from a table or view. A comma must separate each item ina list of such items.

The schema or owner name should be prefixed to a column’s name when it’s extracted from a context outside of the current user’s. ...

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