In addition to natural join, Codd originally defined an operator he called θ-join, where θ denoted any of the usual scalar comparison operators (“=”, “≠”, “<”, and so on). Now, θ-join isn’t primitive; in fact, it’s defined to be a restriction of a product. Here by way of example is the “not equals” join of suppliers and parts on cities (so θ here is “≠”):

image with no caption

Now let’s focus on the SQL formulation specifically. You can think of the expression constituting that formulation as being evaluated in three steps, as follows:

  1. The FROM clause is evaluated and yields the product of tables S and P. Note: If we were doing this relationally, we would have to rename at least one of the CITY attributes before that product could be computed. SQL gets away with renaming them afterward because its tables have a left to right ordering to their columns, meaning it can distinguish the two CITY columns by their ordinal position. For simplicity, let’s ignore this detail.

  2. Next, the WHERE clause is evaluated and yields a restriction of that product by eliminating rows in which the two city values are equal. Note: If θ had been “=” instead of “≠” (or “<>”, rather, in SQL), this step would have been: Restrict the product by retaining just the rows in which the two city values are equal—in which case we would now have formed what’s called the equijoin of suppliers and parts on cities. ...

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