Now we come to what in many ways is the most important part of this chapter. The essence of it is this: There’s another way to think about relvars. I mean, most people think of relvars as if they were just files in the traditional computing sense—rather abstract files, perhaps (disciplined might be a better word than abstract), but files nonetheless. But there’s a different way to look at them, a way that I believe can lead to a much deeper understanding of what’s really going on. It goes like this.

Consider the suppliers relvar S. Like all relvars, that relvar is supposed to represent some portion of the real world. In fact, I can be more precise: The heading of that relvar represents a certain predicate, meaning it’s a kind of generic statement about some portion of the real world (it’s generic because it’s parameterized, as I’ll explain in a moment). The predicate in question looks like this:

Supplier SNO is under contract, is named SNAME, has status STATUS, and is located in city CITY.

This predicate is the intended interpretation—in other words, the meaning, also called the intension (note the spelling)—for relvar S.

In general, you can think of a predicate as a truth valued function. Like all functions, it has a set of parameters; it returns a result when it’s invoked; and (because it’s truth valued) that result is either TRUE or FALSE. In the case of the predicate just shown, for example, the parameters are SNO, SNAME, STATUS, and CITY (corresponding of ...

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