Using the Docker registry

The Docker Hub provides a central location to store all the Docker images. The images can be stored as public as well as private. In many cases, organizations deploy their own private registries on premises due to security-related concerns.

Perform the following steps to set up and run a local registry:

  1. The following command will start a registry, which will bind the registry on port 5000:
    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
  2. Tag search:1.0 to the registry, as follows:
    docker tag search:1.0 localhost:5000/search:1.0
  3. Then, push the image to the registry via the following command:
    docker push localhost:5000/search:1.0
  4. Pull the image back from the registry, as follows:
    docker pull localhost:5000/search:1.0 ...

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