Creating a job

We'll create a job that will simply execute some Java code. It will be a job with only one step. The step will be a Tasklet object (a single task, as opposed to a read-process-write step, which we'll cover later). We will execute this job in two different ways in the next two recipes.

How to do it…

Create a Tasklet class, which you will use to define a step and the job:

  1. Create the Task1 class implementing Tasklet:
    public class Task1 implements Tasklet {    
  2. In the Task1 class, add an execute() method with the code to be executed for the job:
    public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception { System.out.println("Starting job.."); // ... your code System.out.println("Job done.."); return ...

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