Securing Application Servlets

Declarative transactions are the most popular declarative services in Spring, but not the only ones. Spring also allows declarative remoting and declarative security. In this example, you'll use a declarative security service called ACEGI.

Why do I care?

Since ACEGI is a declarative service, you can use it to secure any method on any bean in the context, without writing extra supportive code. ACEGI also has advanced features that are well beyond most EJB implementations, including the following:

  • A robust sign on implementation, based on Yale University's open source Central Authentication Services (CAS)

  • An instance based security model

  • Pluggable authentication implementations

  • HTTP authentication

You can access many of ACEGI's features declaratively. Your POJOs will not be overwhelmed with security code.

How do I do that?

First, you'll use the servlet-based implementation of ACEGI. This approach uses servlet filters. You'll configure it through a combination of additions to the Spring and web.xml configurations. To get going with ACEGI, download the latest version from their web site ( We used Version 0.6.1. From the /dist folder, copy acegi-security-catalina-server.jar into the /server/lib folder of your Tomcat install. You will also need available to your web application aopalliance.jar, spring.jar, and acegi-security-catalina-common.jar, and acegi-security.jar.

Your first implementation will used forms-based ...

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