Tweet Gathering

Let's configure our pom.xml for the Tweet Gathering project.

The build node should look like the following:

<plugin>  <groupId>io.fabric8</groupId>  <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId>  <version>0.21.0</version>  <configuration>    <images>      <image>        <name>springfivebyexample/${}</name>        <build>          <from>openjdk:latest</from>          <entryPoint>java -jar              /application/${}.jar</entryPoint>          <assembly>            <basedir>/application</basedir>            <descriptorRef>artifact</descriptorRef>            <inline>              <id>assembly</id>              <files>                <file>        <source>target/${}.jar</source>                </file>              </files>            </inline>          </assembly>          <tags>            <tag>latest</tag>          </tags>          <ports> <port>8081 ...

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