Configuring boostrap.yaml and application.yaml

In the section, we created our main class. Before we run it, we should create our two configuration files. The bootstrap.yaml inside the src/main/resources directory and the application.yaml on our GitHub repository. They will be downloaded via Config Server and provided by the Zipkin server project.

Let's start with bootstrap.yaml:

spring:  application:    name: zipkin  cloud:    config:      uri: http://localhost:5000      label: master

Nothing special, we have configured our Config Server address.

Let's jump to our application.yaml:

server:  port: 9999spring:  rabbitmq:    port: 5672    host: localhost  datasource:    schema: classpath:/mysql.sql    url: jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}/zipkin?autoReconnect=true driver-class-name: ...

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