Starting the RabbitMQ server

To start the RabbitMQ server, we will run the Docker command. There are some considerations which we need to pay attention to; we will run this container on the Twitter Docker network created previously, but we will expose some ports on the host, as it makes it easier to interact with the broker.

Also, we will use the management image because it provides a page which enables us to manage and see the RabbitMQ information on something similar to a control panel.

Let's run:

docker run -d --name rabbitmq --net twitter -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.7.0-management-alpine

Wait for a few seconds so that RabbitMQ establishes the connections and then we can connect to the management page. To do that, go to http://localhost:15672 ...

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