Fundamental operations on graphs

In this recipe, we will learn how to create graphs and do basic operations on them.

Getting ready

As a starting example, we will have three vertices, each representing the city center of three cities in California—Santa Clara, Fremont, and San Francisco. The following is the distance between these cities:



Distance (miles)

Santa Clara, CA

Fremont, CA


Fremont, CA

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco, CA

Santa Clara, CA


How to do it…

  1. Import the GraphX-related classes:
    scala> import org.apache.spark.graphx._
    scala> import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
  2. Load the vertex data in an array:
    scala> val vertices = Array((1L, ("Santa Clara","CA")),(2L, ("Fremont","CA")),(3L, ("San Francisco","CA"))) ...

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