210 Solving Operational Business Intelligence with InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Edition
5.2.4 Application-period temporal tables
When the application-period temporal tables have been defined and deployed to
DB2 using InfoSphere Warehouse 10.1, we can examine how to manipulate and
query these tables. We continue to use our simple example table tracking our
customers’ use of our loyalty program. We begin by looking at the table insert
and then move onto other, more interesting, actions.
Inserting data into an application-period temporal table
Different from the system-period temporal tables discussed previously in this
chapter, row insertion into an application-period temporal table requires that the
start and end time values be provided. Because these only have meaning in the
business context and not the database context, DB2 cannot simply generate
these values. They must be provided by the application or person inserting the
Recall the simple example table of customers and their enrollment status in
various levels of the customer loyalty programs, shown here in Figure 5-31 for
your convenience.
Figure 5-31 Sample Customer Loyalty program table with temporal columns
These records were inserted into the table using the SQL INSERT statements
displayed in Example 5-17.
Example 5-17 INSERT statements to populate an application-period temporal table
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
values('Albert Johnson', 'Customer Loyalty Club', 100, '2011-09-15',
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
values('Joe Smith', 'No Loyalty Scheme', 0, '2012-06-22', '9999-12-30');
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
values('Linda MM', 'Customer Gold Club', 150, '2012-03-12', '9999-12-30');
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
Chapter 5. Temporal data management and analytics in an operational warehouse 211
values('Melissa Smith', 'Customer Loyalty Club', 100, '2011-11-01',
Inserting and managing multiple time periods
To be really useful, the application-period temporal table can manage multiple
rows for the same customer covering different time periods. This allows us, for
example, to maintain a history for each customer of which plans they participated
in and for what time periods. Having this information available in our data
warehouse allows us to perform important analysis of the impact of these plans
on both the cost and benefit sides of the equation to determine the effectiveness
of the plans at driving increased revenue and retaining good customers.
Simple inserts into application-period temporal tables
The simplest form of INSERT is for the user or the application to provide the
records and dates for each time period to be captured. For example, here we add
a new customer named Jane Doe. Jane became a customer effective May 20,
2012 but did not immediately join a loyalty program. Starting July 1, 2012, she
enrolled in the basic loyalty program. To insert the full history into our
CUST_LOYALTY table using SQL INSERT, we use the statements in
Example 5-18.
Example 5-18 INSERT for multiple periods for the same customer without overlap
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
values('Jane Doe', 'No Loyalty Scheme', 0, '2012-05-20', '2012-07-01');
insert into cstinsight.cust_loyalty
values('Jane Doe', 'Customer Loyalty Club', 100, '2012-07-01',
If we then look at the table contents as shown in Figure 5-32, we can clearly see
the history of Jane Doe’s involvement in the loyalty program.
Figure 5-32 CUST_LOYALTY table after inserting multiple rows for Jane Doe
Note the end date of her first record is July 1, 2012”, and the start date of her
second record is also July 1, 2012. Keep in mind the discussion from the

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