Chapter 19: Employing Master Model Techniques

In This Chapter

Applying Pull functions Applying Push functions Working with master model techniques tutorial

The master model topic fits into both the parts and assemblies workflows. It is included in this book because the end product of a master model technique is most frequently an assembly. The material in this chapter follows closely on multi-body topics, which you can find discussed in detail in the SolidWorks 2011 Parts Bible.

In this book, the term master model refers to a technique where an entire assembly is laid out or has its major faces constructed in a single part, and that part is then placed into other files from which the individual parts are created. Master model techniques are generally used in situations that in-context design cannot deal with, or where in-context design is cumbersome.

Master model techniques are comprised of four separate features or functions that have some similarities, and rely heavily on the knowledge of parent/child concepts, as well as multiple bodies. These four features are Split, Save Bodies, Insert Part, and Insert Into New Part.

As an example of a master model technique, consider the mouse model shown in Figure 19.1. The overall shape is modeled as a single part and is then split into several bodies using multibody methods. Then, using the four master model features, the individual bodies are used to create individual part files, where detail features are added.


A mouse ...

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