Managing the RBAC

You can use the following commands to manage RBAC:

  • auths(1)— Displays authorizations assigned to a user account

  • profiles(1)— Displays profiles assigned to a user account

  • roles(1)— Displays roles assigned to a user account

  • roleadd(1M)— Adds a role definition

  • roledel(1M)— Deletes a role definition

  • rolemod(1M)— Modifies a role definition

Displaying RBAC Assignments

If you use the auths, profiles, and roles commands without a command-line argument, the authorizations, profiles, and roles assigned to the current user account are listed. To list the authorizations, profiles, and roles assigned to another user account, specify the user account as a command-line argument, as shown in this example:

 $ auths root solaris.*,solaris.grant ...

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