installf Add a File to the Software Installation Database


/usr/sbin/installf [-c class][[-M] -R root-path][-V fs-file] fs-file
						pathname [ftype  [major
/usr/sbin/installf [-c class][[-M] -R root-path][-V fs-file] fs-file
/usr/sbin/installf -f [-c class][[-M] -R root-path][-V fs-file] fs-file


Use the installf command as part of creating installation scripts to inform the system that you are creating or modifying a path name not listed in the pkgmap(4) file. You should invoke the installf command before making any file modifications.

When you use the second synopsis, the path-name descriptions are read from standard input. These descriptions are the same as would be given in the first synopsis but ...

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