Changes to the Default Package Version

When you install applications in directories that identify their versions, multiple versions can coexist at the same directory level. To identify the default version of a given application, create a generic directory name as a symbolic link pointing to the version-named directory that you want to serve as the default.

In the following example, the /usr/apps/pkgs directory contains two versions of FooTool and a generic footool name link.

$ cd /usr/apps/pkgs
$ ls -ld footool*
lrwxrwxrwx   1 nobody   nobody     12 Jun 19  1992 /usr/apps/pkgs/footool ->
drwxr-xr-x   9 nobody   nobody    512 Jun 18  1992 /usr/apps/pkgs/footool,v1.0
drwxr-xr-x   9 nobody   nobody    512 May 3 21:23 /usr/apps/pkgs/footool,v2.0

The default ...

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