renice — Alter Priority of Running Processes


/usr/bin/renice [-n increment][-g | -p | -u] ID... 
/usr/bin/renice priority [-p] pid... [-g gid...][-p pid...][-u user...] 
/usr/bin/renice priority -g gid... [-g gid...][-p pid...][-u user...] 
/usr/bin/renice priority -uuser [-g gid...][-p pid...][-u user...] 



The priocntl command subsumes the function of renice.

Use the renice command to alter the scheduling priority of one or more running processes. By default, specify the processes to be affected by their process IDs.

If the first operand is a number within the valid range of priorities (-20 to 20), renice treats it as a priority (as in all but the first synopsis form); otherwise, renice treats it as an ID (as in the ...

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