lp — Submit Print Request


/usr/bin/lp [-c][-m][-p][-s][-w][-d destination][-f form-name] 
  [-H special-handling][-n number][-o option][-P page-list] 
  [-q priority-level][-S character-set|print-wheel][-t title] 
  [-T content-type [-r]][-y mode-list][file...] 
/usr/bin/lp -i request-ID... [-c][-m][-p][-s][-w][-d destination] 
  [-f form-name][-H special-handling][-n number][-o option] 
  [-P page-list] [-q priority-level][-S character-set|print-wheel] 
  [-t title][-T content-type [-r]][-y mode-list] 


lp submits print requests to a destination. The lp command has two formats.

  • The first form of lp prints files (file ) and associated information (collectively called a print request). If you do not specify file , lp assumes the standard ...

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