gcore — Get Core Images of Running Processes


/usr/bin/gcore [-o filename] process-id... 


gcore creates a core image of each specified process in the current working directory. By default, the name of the core image file for the process is core.process-id .


-o filename Substitute filename in place of core as the first part of the name of the core image files.


process-id Process ID.


The following example creates a core image of process ID450.

castle% gcore 450 
gcore: core.450 dumped 
castle% ls -l core* 
-rw-rw-rw-   1 winsor   staff      66216 Jan 16 14:16 core.450 
castle% file core.450 
core.450:       ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from 'cat' 

The following example tries to create a core ...

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