Appendix C. Java DTrace Scripts


#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s /* #pragma D option quiet */ dvm$1:::vm-init { printf(" vm-init"); } dvm$1:::vm-death { printf(" vm-death"); } dvm$1:::thread-start { printf(" tid=%d, thread-start: %s ", tid, copyinstr(arg0)); } dvm$1:::thread-end { printf(" tid=%d, thread-end ", tid); } dvm$1:::class-load { printf(" tid=%d, class-load: %s ", tid, copyinstr(arg0)); } dvm$1:::class-unload { printf(" tid=%d, class-unload: %s ", tid, copyinstr(arg0)); } dvm$1:::gc-start { printf(" tid=%d, gc-start ", tid); } dvm$1:::gc-finish { printf(" tid=%d, gc-finish ", tid); } dvm$1:::gc-stats { printf(" tid=%d, gc-stats: used objects: %ld, used object space: %ld ", tid, arg0, arg1); } dvm$1:::object-alloc { printf(" tid=%d, ...

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