

accepted build cycle, testing during, 198-199

accessibility, as QoS (quality of service), 69

actors, personas versus, 65-66

Actual Quality versus Planned Velocity graph, 97-98

ad hoc testing. See exploratory testing

adapting process (iterative development), 35

adaptive approach, plan-driven approach versus, 38-39

adaptive projects, 51

advocacy groups, viewpoints of risk, 36-37

Agile Alliance, 2, 29

Agile Manifesto, 2

agility, 3

AIB (Applied Integration Baseline), 122

Anderson, David J., 8, 32

Application Designer, 124

Applied Integration Baseline (AIB), 122

architecture, 116

baseline architecture, 119-122

citizenship, 128

Design for Operations, 128-131

QoS mindset and, 126-128

reference architectures, 122-123

SOA (service-oriented architecture), ...

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