
Exercise 6.1: Timing the critter motions

  Min speed (units/sec) Max speed (units/sec) Avg speed (units/sec) Approx. seconds to move ten units
Spacewar 0.5 3.0 1.75 About six
Defender3D 0.5 10.0 4.75 About two

Get a watch with a second hand, start up Game | Defender3D, and time how long it takes a critter to move across the screen. Is it about two seconds? Now make the window very small, and time again. Now make the window big, add more critters by selecting Game | Large, and time again. Do you still get about the same speeds? Now try with Spacewar. Time the critter motions again. Try editing the cGameDesign::CRITTERMAXSPEED value in gamedesign.cpp and try that game again.

Exercise 6.2: Estimating sizes

When you try and estimate ...

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