Software Architect Bootcamp

Book description

  • Become a great software architect—hands-on!

  • Define architectures that leverage today's best design patterns

  • Maximize scalability and technical flexibility

  • Lead your technical organization to successful implementation

  • Your hands-on "field manual" for becoming a great software architect!

    This hands-on "field manual" gives developers the essential skills they need to survive and thrive as software architects! You'll find insightful, real-world coverage of everything from design patterns to prototyping, business case development to leadership.

    Leading software architects Raphael Malveau and Thomas Mowbray share profound insights and practical solutions for all the key challenges of architectures using objects, components, and distributed Internet computing, showing how to avoid time-consuming pitfalls and costly errors. You'll master proven methods for:

  • Identifying the best architectural model for any project

  • Executing heavyweight or lightweight approaches to software architecture

  • Addressing scalability and long-term business flexibility

  • Making the most of abstraction, refactoring, and architectural prototyping

  • Leveraging superior design patterns to improve your implementations

  • With hands-on exercises, real-life war stories, and a take-no-prisoners attitude, Software Architect Bootcamp won't just help you become a great software architect: it'll help you become a true technical leader of your organization.

    Table of contents

    1. Copyright
    2. Preface
    3. Introduction
      1. Advice for Software Architects
      2. Software Architecture as a Discipline
      3. Design Patterns and Software Architecture
      4. Conclusions
      5. Exercises
    4. Software Architecture: Basic Training
      1. Software Paradigms
      2. Open Systems Technology
      3. Client Server Technology
      4. Software Application Experience
      5. Technology and Application Architecture
      6. Applying Standards to Application Systems
      7. Distributed Infrastructures
      8. Conclusions
      9. Exercises
    5. Software Architecture: Going to War
      1. Software Architecture Paradigm Shift
      2. Doing Software Wrong
      3. Doing Software Right: Enterprise Architecture Development
      4. Bottom Line: Time, People, and Money
      5. Conclusions
      6. Exercises
    6. Software Architecture: Drill School
      1. Architecture versus Programming
      2. Managing Complexity Using Architecture
      3. Systems Integration
      4. Making the Business Case
      5. Architecture Linkage to Software Development
      6. Architectural Software Notation
      7. Conclusions
      8. Exercises
    7. Leadership Training
      1. Leadership Is a Necessary, Learnable Skill
      2. The Architect as Team Builder
      3. Always Insist on Excellence in Deliverables
      4. Architect's Walkthrough
      5. Conclusions
      6. Exercises
    8. Software Architecture: Jump School
      1. Process
      2. Creating New Processes
      3. Teamwork
      4. Conclusions
      5. Exercises
    9. Communications Training
      1. Communications Challenges
      2. Responsibility–Driven Development
      3. Communication Responsibilities
      4. Handling Feedback
      5. Exercises
    10. Software Architecture: Intelligence Operations
      1. Architecture Mining
      2. Architecture Iteration
      3. Architecture Judgment
      4. Conclusions
      5. Exercises
    11. Software Architecture: Psychological Warfare
      1. Alternative Learning
      2. Internal Control
      3. Expectation Management
      4. Psychology of Truth
      5. Perception Is Not Reality
      6. Exploiting Human Weaknesses
      7. Example: Reference Selling
      8. Psychology of Ownership
      9. Psychological Akido
      10. Intellectual Akido
      11. Conclusions
      12. Exercises
    12. Architecture Example: Test Results Reporting System
      1. Introduction
      2. Component Interoperability Challenge
      3. Target Architecture for the TRRS
      4. Target Enterprise Viewpoint
      5. Target Information Viewpoint
      6. Target Technology Viewpoint
      7. Prototype Implementation
      8. Prototype Computational Viewpoint
      9. TRRS Terminology
      10. Use Case Definitions
      11. Core Workflows
      12. Information Model
      13. Conclusions
    13. Design Templates and Examples
      1. Conceptual Design
      2. Relationship Service Conceptual Design
      3. High-Level Design
      4. Relationship Service High-Level Design
    14. Glossary of Software Architecture Terminology
      1. Glossary
    15. Acronyms
    16. Bibliography
      1. Bibliography

    Product information

    • Title: Software Architect Bootcamp
    • Author(s): Raphael Malveau, Ph.D. Thomas J. Mowbray
    • Release date: October 2000
    • Publisher(s): Pearson
    • ISBN: 9780130274076