Socialnomics could not have been completed without the help of many friends and family members. First and foremost, my beautiful wife Ana Maria served a dual role of sounding board and support coach. My immediate family of Dad, Mom, Jay, Helene, Matt, Mary Alison, and my loving grandparents made certain to tell me when things weren't up to standard, but were also my greatest supporters. Encouragement came from my newest family members, the Lozanos: Fernando, Margarita, José, and Stephanie. A special thanks goes out to my Wiley team, Shannon Vargo, Matt Holt, PJ Campell, Nick Snyder, Linda Indig, Amy Scholz, and Beth Zipko, for having both the skill and patience to make this happen. To talented authors Tim Ash and Brian Reich for introducing me to John Wiley & Sons, Inc.—a truly class outfit. The Muellers and Youngs for their moral support. The legal mind of Chris Norton. Julie Jawor's artistic eye. And finally, to numerous friends and family who kept giving me positive reinforcement and ideas, just when they were needed most—you know who you are and it meant more than you know.

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