
Accuracy strategies, sentiment analysis


Twitter case study

Address-based sampling (ABS)

app development

recruitment using

Africa, internet penetration in

Age distribution

Facebook use

smartphone use

SurveyPulse users

Twitter diary data collection responses

Amazon Mechanical Turk

challenge-based data analysis

cost issues

crowdsourcing survey response data

sentiment analysis applications

snus smokeless tobacco products survey

America Online (AOL), social media origins and

Analog media, defined

Android operating system

app statistics for

market share

user demographics

Angry Birds, popularity of

Attrition, app development

Author intent

limitations as research tool

sentiment analysis and

Avatars, chronically ill Second Life participant recruiting and


on Facebook, monitoring of

gamification in research and

game construction and

impact of smartphones on

Best practices, cognitive interviewing

Big Data

components of

public vs. private data and

ubiquity of technology and

Billion Prices Project (BPP)

Binary scales, sentiment analysis data

Blackberry operating system, market share

Blodget, Henry


characteristics of

chronically ill Second Life participant recruiting through

user statistics for

Brainstorming, crowdsourcing and

Branding opportunities

app development

gamification of market surveys and

Broadcast social media

sociality hierarchy

survey research using

Build vs. buy decisions, app development

Caller ID, impact on survey research of

Can Gaming Techniques ...

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