

access to market research, 133

accuracy in market research, 133-134

acquiring new customers

acquisition costs, 249-252

overview, 19

activity timelines, 227-228

adoption of social media, 59

centralized social media management model, 67-68

decentralized social media management models, 68-70

focused adoption, 60

genesis model, 62

operational adoption, 60-61

operational integration, 61-62

pirate ship model, 62-64

skunkworks program, 64-66

test adoption, 59

advertising, 143-144

agency partners, 94

analysis, 196-197

acting on performance data, 271-275

program validation, 268-270

angry customers

conflict resolution, 168-171

listening to, 171-172

anti-defamation guidelines, 90-91

auditing company via search engines, 129

auto-DMs, 142


bad customer ...

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