Comparing DIY Metrics to Metrics Systems

There is a bit of debate still about whether or not a fully automated metrics system is the best way to go. There is still a lot of “hope” and “kumbaya” bandied about in social media and online marketing. Hope and kumbaya are great — you definitely want that emotional engagement with your brand — but hope is not a business model. You also have to have a plan.

DIY metrics are an essential part of measuring your success online, but they can’t be your only metrics measurement. You’ll have days (or sometimes weeks) where you are too busy to maintain DIY metrics systems. You may not have staff trained to pick up your system for you when you travel or are sick. Your computer may break and need to be out a week for repairs. You absolutely must have an automated metrics systems, even if it’s just one of the free ones, in place.

By allowing automated metrics systems to run in the background, you’re catching and sorting data so that you can be free to do the work and make the connections that will make your business grow. Then you can visit the data and use it to make your work better. It’s that simple. DIY metrics come in handy for tracking things the automated metrics don’t yet track.

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