Chapter 10

Making Your Investment Accountable and COUNTable

In This Chapter

arrow Focusing on business metrics

arrow Measuring offline

arrow Forgetting about ROI

arrow Using unusual metrics tools

One of the best uses of metrics is making your social media efforts accountable and countable. No metrics system is perfect — and, in fact, you’ll find it best to have more than one system — but metrics help prove the path to real ROI.

If you’re on a tight monetary and time budget, knowing which efforts are working is going to be key to your success. This knowledge will prevent wasted time and make your social media efforts more focused with better results.

Metrics give you a way to track leads, sales, attention, influence, and interest. Every business needs to have their metrics dashboards ready before they do anything else (and if you already started your campaigns online without metrics in place, now is the time to get them going).

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