
# (hashtags)

benefits of using, 299

FollowFriday, 711712

Google+, 501502

Instagram, 384385

keyword as, 304

monitoring, 711712

overview, 359

in posts, 359360


analytics using, 711712

in chat, 324325

for measuring, 711712

versus @reply, 299

using, 299

use in marketing, 302

@ symbol, Pinterest, 458

+1 feature, Google+, 501, 520, 523524, 726

2 Create a Website, 115

4P's of marketing

placement or position, 770

price, 769770

product, 768769

promotion, 770

20 Something Bloggers, 546

24-7 Press Release, 629

48ers, search engines, 192

123RF photo sharing site, 251

301 redirects, 166

• A •

A+C Studios, 596

Abbi Agency, 78

About page, Facebook, 346

About Social Analytics, 679

AddFreeStats, 672

Addictomatic, 128

addresses to web pages

Facebook, 345346

Google Analytics, 679

including on other people's blogs, 173

keywords in, 156

optimizing, 158159

shortening tools

Bitly, 675, 675, 675

Snipurl, 675

statistics, 676

snipping, 114115

tracking shortened links from Twitter, 704705

AddThis, 201

AddToAny, 675

Admin Panel, Facebook, 341

Administrative Function, Facebook, 344

Adobe Analytics, 673


Ads Manager, Facebook, 372373


analytics program and, 278

banner, 39

on Facebook, 369375

Ads Manager, 372373

choosing ad type, 371372

deciding whether to invest in ad, 370371

measuring ROI, 374375

overview, 369370

targeting fans, 373374

mobile social media for, 617618


on Facebook, 644648

general discussion, 640

growth in social advertising, ...

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