Chapter 3: Analyzing Twitter Metrics

In This Chapter

check.png Checking inbound website referrers and followers

check.png Comparing tweets to retweets

check.png Comparing mentions

check.png Measuring Twitter follower website visits

After your Twitter marketing campaign has been rolling for a while, it’s time to check out both your performance metrics and the return on your time investment. You can do this in many ways: by looking at the information on your Twitter page; by using an app like; or by using an analytics program such as Google Analytics.

tip.eps According to Network World ( ), in April 2012 Twitter acquired a team from an analytics company to develop its own analytics program, especially for its advertisers and publishers.

Tracking Website Referrals

If you use Google Analytics (as discussed in Book IX, Chapter 1), you can easily track the number of referrals from Twitter to your website or blog. This information is quite useful if one of your marketing goals is to drive more traffic ...

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